The on/off valve can be installed on the PVC fitting that is about 14 inches up
from the bottom of the barrel. If you would rather have the valve at the bottom
of the barrel, you can swap it with the cap that is installed on the bottom
fitting. If you are going to elevate your rain barrel, you may want to install
the on/off valve on the bottom fitting. If you are not going to elevate your
rain barrel, you will probably want to install the on/off valve on the fitting
that is 14 inches up from the bottom, making it easier to use a watering can..
If you connect a hose to the valve, make sure you do not pull on the hose
so hard that you pull the valve out of the barrel. Attach the female
end of a garden hose to one or two of the pre-installed top hose connections to
divert overflow water to remote areas. The other top fitting can be used to
connect additional rain barrels, or may be used for the connection of an
automatic rain water diverter.
Flex elbows, Pre-built rain
barrel connectors and automatic rain water diverters are available on our web
site @
If you choose to install your rain barrel using a flex elbow, cut out a 12"
section of the down spout beginning about 12" above the top of the rain
barrel. Leave the bottom part of the downspout connected to the house. If you
install your flex elbow in this manner, when you remove your rain barrel during
the winter months, you can insert the bottom of the flex elbow back into the
bottom section of the down spout.
Non Potable Water sticker.
Water collected in these barrels is NOT FOR DRINKING PURPOSES
Be sure to drain your Rain
barrel during cold weather to prevent freezing!
Not doing so will void the warranty!!!
If you have any questions or problems call us @1-877-888-5609